After nearly a full summer of extensive research and re-reading, I actually started to write my Rexroth book today. It was a very productive day, too; I wrote about 1000 new words of text, and added 1200 words to it from other notes and fragments I had written earlier this year. So I ended up with 2,200 words overall. At this rate, I will write the whole book in a month and a half. However, that won’t happen, for various reasons that are unnecessary to list. My goal is to finish the book (or at least a really good first draft) by December 31, which is basically the end of my sabbatical. For those who are interested, I’ll try to post updates on my progress and maybe even muse a little bit about my writing process. By the way, the tentative title is A Research Magnificent: Kenneth Rexroth in the Twentieth Century.